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 Gulkarmat Semprot Tiga Saluran Air di Pinang Ranti
photo Nurito -

Three Water Channels in Pinang Ranti Cleaned

Water channels which located in 3 locations in Pinang Ranti Urban Village, Makasar were cleaned by East Jakarta Fire Handling and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-agency on Friday (10/9).

We clean those channels to anticipate inundation and flood

East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-agency Fire Control and Rescue Section Head, Gatot Sulaeman stated, his side used firetruck's water hose to spray those clogged water channels.

His side was focused on cleaning the clogged water channels that were full of mud and garbage.

Micro Channels in Wijaya Kusuma Urban Village Cleaned Routinely

"We clean those channels to anticipate inundation and flood," he said, Friday (10/9).

His personnel also got assistance from local urban village PPSU personnel and RT/RW administrators to clean the channels.

Joint personnel cleaned up micro channels on Jalan SMAN 48 RT 013/001, Jalan Alkhoiriyah RT 007/001, and Jalan H. Ahmad Tarmiji RT 015/001.

"We also deploy one pump car and five personnel in this cleaning," he informed.

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